User parameters. More...
Functions | |
void | InitParameters () |
Inits parameters from file carmen.par. If a parameter is not mentioned in this file, the default value is used. More... | |
User parameters.
void InitParameters | ( | ) |
Inits parameters from file carmen.par. If a parameter is not mentioned in this file, the default value is used.
— Compute ch --------------------------------------------------------—
int AllTaskScaleNb |
Global Scale number
real AllXMax[4] |
real AllXMin[4] |
Global domain parameters
real Alpha =0.64 |
Temperature ratio
real auxvar =0. |
Auxiliar variable
real AverageRadius =0. |
Average radius of the flame ball
char BackupName[255] |
real BaroclinicEffect =0. |
Intensity of the baroclinic effects
real Bdivergence =0. |
Auxilian divergence variable
real CarmenVersion =2.483 |
Version release
int CartDims[3] |
real Celerity = 1. |
Advection-diffusion celerity (0, 1, -1)
int CellElementsNb |
int CellNb =0 |
Number of cells
real CFL =0.5 |
Courant-Friedrich-Levy number
real ch =0.0 |
Divergence cleaning ch parameter
real chi =0. |
Artificial diffusion constant
int ChildNb =0 |
Number of children for a given parent (equal to 2**Dimension)
real Circulation =10. |
Circulation parameter
int Cluster =1 |
0 for local execution, 1 for cluster
int CMax[4] ={3,3,3,3} |
Max. boundary condition (1 = Boundary, 2 = Symetric, 3 = Periodic)
int CMin[4] ={3,3,3,3} |
Min. boundary condition (1 = Boundary, 2 = Symetric, 3 = Periodic)
Timer CommTimer |
Communication timer for perfomance analyse
bool ComputeCPUTimeRef =false |
True = the reference CPU time is being computed
bool ComputeTemp =false |
real ConstantForce =true |
False = adapt force to maintain constant energy
bool ConstantTimeStep =true |
true = constant TimeStep
int Coordinate =1 |
1 = Cartesian, 2 = Spherical in x
int coords[3] |
Current CPU coodinates in the virtual CPU processors cart
int CPUScales |
CPUScales=log2(Number of processors)
real cr =0. |
Alpha parameter divergence cleaning
bool CVS =false |
True = use Donoho thresholding to perform CVS.
bool DataIsBinary =true |
true = write data in binary format, false = write data in ASCII format
bool debug =false |
true = check if tree is graded
bool Diffusivity =false |
True = artificial diffusion. False = no artificial diffusion
int Dimension =1 |
Dimension (1,2,3)
real DIVB =0. |
Divergence of B
real DIVBMax =0. |
Maximum divergence of B
int DivClean =2 |
Divergence cleaning: 1-EGLM 2-GLM
real Eigenvalue =0. |
Maximal eigenvalue
real EigenvalueMax =0. |
Maximal eigenvalue
real EigenvalueX =0. |
Eigenvalue at x direction
real EigenvalueY =0. |
Eigenvalue at y direction
real EigenvalueZ =0. |
Eigenvalue at z direction
real ElapsedTime =0. |
int EquationType =7 |
Type of equation
real ErrorGlobalL2 =0. |
Global L2 error on space and time
real ErrorGlobalMax =0. |
Global error max on space and time
real ErrorGlobalMid =0. |
Global mean error on space and time
int ErrorGlobalNb =0 |
Number of points for the computation of the global mean error
real ErrorL2 =0. |
L2 error on the grid
real ErrorMax =0. |
Error Max on the grid
real ErrorMid =0. |
Mean error on the grid
int ErrorNb =0 |
Number of points for the computation of the mean error
real eta =0. |
Resistivity function
real ExactEnergy =0. |
Global energy for the exact solution (only for EquationType = 1 or 2)
real ExactMomentum =0. |
Global momentum for the exact solution (only for EquationType = 1 or 2)
real ExpectedCompression = 0. |
Expected memory compression
real FlameVelocity =0. |
Flame velocity
bool FluxCorrection =true |
true = conservative flux correction
real ForceX =0. |
real ForceY =0. |
real ForceZ =0. |
real Fr =0. |
Froude number
double FVTimeRef =0. |
FV reference CPU time for 1 iteration
real Gamma =1.4 |
Adiabatic function
real GlobalEnergy =0. |
Global energy (only for EquationType = 1 or 2)
real GlobalEnstrophy =0. |
Global enstrophy (only for EquationType = 6)
FILE* GlobalFile |
Global file
real GlobalMomentum =0. |
Global momentum (only for EquationType = 1 or 2)
real GlobalMomentumOld =0. |
Old global momentum (only for EquationType = 6)
real GlobalReactionRate =0. |
Global reaction rate
real GlobalVolume =0. |
Global volume
real Helicity =0. |
Time derivative of helicity (must be zero)
int IcNb = 0 |
Initial condition suavization
int ImageNb =0 |
Print ImageNb images
real IntDensity =0. |
Integral of the density
real IntEnergy =0. |
Integral of the energy
Vector IntMomentum |
Integral of the modulus of the momentum
real IntVorticity =0. |
Integral of the modulus of the vorticity
int IterationNb =0 |
Number of iterations
int IterationNbRef =1000 |
Number of iterations for the FV reference computation
int IterationNo =0 |
Current iteration number
real Le =1. |
Lewis number
int LeafNb =0 |
Number of leaves
bool LES =false |
True = use eddy-viscosity.
int LimiterNo =5 |
Limiter number
real Ma =0.3 |
Mach number
int MaxCellElementsNb |
real ModelConstant =0.1 |
Constant used in the turbulence model
int MPIRecvType |
int MPISendType |
Type of calling MPI communication functions. See Parameters.cpp for the more information
bool Multiresolution =true |
true = Multiresolution, false = FV on fine mesh
int NeighbourNb |
Important parameter: The deep of the inter-CPU domain overlapping
int one_D |
real PenalizeFactor =1. |
Factor of penalization (obsolete)
real PhysicalTime =0. |
Physical elapsed time
real pi =acos(-1.) |
Pi constant
int PostProcessing =2 |
1 = Gnuplot, 2 = Data Explorer, 3 = Tecplot
real Pr =0.71 |
Prandtl number
real PreviousAverageRadius =0. |
Previous average radius
real PreviousAverageRadius2 =0. |
Previous average radius
int PrintEvery =0 |
Print every PrintEvery iteration
int PrintIt1 =0 |
Iteration for print 1
int PrintIt2 =0 |
Iteration for print 2
int PrintIt3 =0 |
Iteration for print 3
int PrintIt4 =0 |
Iteration for print 4
int PrintIt5 =0 |
Iteration for print 5
int PrintIt6 =0 |
Iteration for print 6
int PrintMoreScales =0 |
More scales to print
real PrintTime1 =0. |
Time for print 1
real PrintTime2 =0. |
Time for print 2
real PrintTime3 =0. |
Time for print 3
real PrintTime4 =0. |
Time for print 4
real PrintTime5 =0. |
Time for print 5
real PrintTime6 =0. |
Time for print 6
real PsiGrad =0. |
Psi gradient
int QuantityNb =2 |
Number of conservative quantites
int rank |
Current CPU
int rank_il |
axis X, direction - low
int rank_iu |
axis X, direction - high
int rank_jl |
axis Y, direction - low
int rank_ju |
int rank_kl |
int rank_ku |
real Re =100. |
Reynolds number
real ReactionRateMax =0. |
Maximum of the reaction rate
bool Recovery =false |
true = restore data from previous computation
int Refresh =0 |
/ Refresh rate
int RefreshNb =200 |
Number of refreshments
bool Resistivity =false |
True = resistive model. False = ideal model
real RKFAccuracyFactor =1.E-03 |
Desired value of RKFError (only if TimeAdaptivity=true)
real RKFError =0. |
Maximum of the relative errors between RK2 and RK3 (only if TimeAdaptivity=true)
real RKFSafetyFactor =0.01 |
Safety factor for the computation of the time step (only if TimeAdaptivity=true)
int ScalarEqNb =0 |
Number of additional scalar equations
int ScaleNb =5 |
Maximal number of scales allowed
int ScaleNbRef =2 |
Number of scales for the FV reference computation
int SchemeNb =1 |
Scheme number
int SendD = 1 << 0 |
int SenddX = 1 << 5 |
int SendGrad = 1 << 1 |
int SendQ = 1 << 2 |
int SendQs = 1 << 3 |
int SendX = 1 << 4 |
real Sigma =5.E-02 |
Radiation coefficient
int size |
Number of processors
real SmoothCoeff =0. |
Smoothing coefficient
real SpaceStep =0. |
Space step
real StartTimeAveraging =0. |
Time where the time-averaging procedure must start
int StepNb =2 |
Number of steps for the time integration
int StepNo =1 |
Current step number for the time integration
real ThermalConduction =0. |
Dimensionless thermal conduction
int ThresholdNorm =0 |
Normalization of the wavelet basis for the threshold
bool TimeAdaptivity =false |
true = use time adaptivity (only when Multiresolution = true, dummy else)
int TimeAdaptivityFactor = 1 |
The factor of time step between two scales is 2^TimeAdaptivityFactor
bool TimeAveraging =false |
true = use a time-averaging grid (only for turbulence)
real TimeStep =0. |
Time step
real Tolerance =0. |
Prescribed tolerance
real ToleranceScale =1. |
Scale factor for tolerance (when Tolerance = 0).
real TotalCellNb =0. |
Total number of cells for all iterations
real TotalLeafNb =0. |
Total number of leaves for all iterations
real TRef =273. |
Reference temperature for Sutherland's law
int two_D |
bool UseBackup = true |
true = use Backup procedure.
bool UseBoundaryRegions = false |
true = use file carmen.bc
real Viscosity = 1. |
0 or 1. 0 means no viscosity.
int WhatSend |
bool WriteAsPoints =false |
true = write data as point-values, false = write data as cell-averages
real XCenter[4] ={0.,0.,0.,0.} |
Coordinate of the center of the flame ball
real XMax[4] ={1.,1.,1.,1.} |
Maximal values of coordinates;
real XMin[4] ={-1.,-1.,-1.,-1.} |
Minimal values of coordinates;
real Ze =10. |
Equivalent to Beta
bool ZipData =true |
true = zip data files