CARMEN code was firstly developed by Olivier Roussel to perform the simulation of the Advection-diffusion, Burgers-diffusion, Flame front, Flame ball, Flame-curl interaction and Navier-Stokes equations with the finite volume method in the context of the adaptive multiresolution analysis for cell-averages. The code was extended to the resistive and ideal MHD equations in order to take advantage of the wavelet based multiresolution algorithm. Its development was done in such a way that the code structure was exclusively for MHD simulations.
The MHD equations are given by
Manual: Equations, publications, team and code.
Download: CARMEN-MHD source code.
Initial Conditions: You can find here a ser of .ini files.
Parameters: You can find here the parameter .par files.
Visualization: Scripts to visualize data in VisIt in command line.
Mesh visualization: Scripts to visualize the adaptive meshes with gnuplot.
Norms: Scripts to compute the norms.
Others: everything else you need.