This is the complete list of members for Cell, including all inherited members.
average(const int QuantityNo) const | Cell | inline |
average() const | Cell | inline |
Cell() | Cell | |
center(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | inline |
center() const | Cell | inline |
concentration() const | Cell | inline |
D | Cell | |
density() const | Cell | inline |
divergence(const int QuantityNo) const | Cell | inline |
divergence() const | Cell | inline |
dX | Cell | |
energy() const | Cell | inline |
entropy() const | Cell | inline |
etaConst() const | Cell | inline |
fastSpeed(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | |
Grad | Cell | |
gradient(const int i, const int j) const | Cell | inline |
gradient() const | Cell | inline |
Grads | Cell | |
isInFluid() const | Cell | |
isInsideBoundary() const | Cell | |
isOverflow() const | Cell | |
lowAverage(const int QuantityNo) const | Cell | inline |
lowAverage() const | Cell | inline |
magField(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | inline |
magField() const | Cell | |
oldAverage(const int QuantityNo) const | Cell | inline |
oldAverage() const | Cell | inline |
oldPressure() const | Cell | |
operator=(const Cell &C) | Cell | |
PGrad | Cell | |
pressure() const | Cell | |
psi() const | Cell | inline |
PsiGrad(const int Dimension) const | Cell | inline |
PsiGrad() const | Cell | inline |
Q | Cell | |
Qlow | Cell | |
Qold | Cell | |
Qs | Cell | |
Res | Cell | |
setAverage(const int QuantityNo, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setAverage(const Vector &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setAverageZero() | Cell | inline |
setCenter(const int AxisNo, const real UserX) | Cell | inline |
setCenter(const Vector &UserX) | Cell | inline |
setDivergence(const int QuantityNo, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setDivergence(const Vector &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setDivergenceZero() | Cell | inline |
setGradient(const int i, const int j, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setGradient(const Matrix &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setGradientZero() | Cell | inline |
setLowAverage(const int QuantityNo, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setLowAverage(const Vector &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setOldAverage(const int QuantityNo, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setOldAverage(const Vector &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setPsiGrad(const int Dimension, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setPsiGrad(const Vector &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setRes(const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setSize(const int AxisNo, const real UserSize) | Cell | inline |
setSize(const Vector &UserSize) | Cell | inline |
setTempAverage(const int QuantityNo, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setTempAverage(const Vector &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setTempAverageZero() | Cell | inline |
setTempGradient(const int i, const int j, const real UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
setTempGradient(const Matrix &UserAverage) | Cell | inline |
size(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | inline |
size() const | Cell | inline |
speedOfSound() const | Cell | inline |
tempAverage(const int QuantityNo) const | Cell | inline |
tempAverage() const | Cell | inline |
tempDensity() const | Cell | inline |
tempEnergy() const | Cell | inline |
temperature() const | Cell | |
tempGradient(const int i, const int j) const | Cell | inline |
tempGradient() const | Cell | inline |
tempMagField(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | inline |
tempMagField() const | Cell | |
tempPressure() const | Cell | |
tempPsi() const | Cell | inline |
tempTemperature() const | Cell | |
tempVelocity(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | inline |
tempVelocity() const | Cell | |
velocity(const int AxisNo) const | Cell | inline |
velocity() const | Cell | |
volume() const | Cell | |
X | Cell | |
~Cell() | Cell |